Missionaries of the Holy Spirit
Congregational Prayers


MERCIFUL FATHER, from whom all goodness comes,
we give you thanks for all the favors you have given
us. Forgive our faults and ingratitude and watch over
us with fatherly care.

JESUS, savior of all, you show us in your heart your
infinite love and priestly sorrows. Grant us the grace
to contemplate them with a thankful love, share
them with you, and thus offer you consolation. May
we obtain graces for the Church, and especially for
your priests.

HOLY SPIRIT, you proceed from the Father and the
Son. Come, dwell within us. Grant us the grace to
become living hosts with Jesus by sharing in his love,
purity, and sacrifice.

V. Let us ask for the grace to share with Mary the
mystery of Jesus’ passion:

At the Cross her station keeping,
stood the mournful Mother weeping,
close to Jesus to the last.

O, sweet Mother! Fount of love,
touch my spirit from above,
make my heart with yours accord.

Let me, to my latest breath,
in my body bear the death,
of that dying Son of yours.

Wounded with his very wound,
steeped my soul till it has swooned,
in his very blood away.

Christ, when you shall call me hence,
be your Mother my defense,
be your cross my victory.

V. St. Michael, our protector,
R. Pray for us.

V. For the canonization of Felix of Jesus, María
Concepción, Ramón Ibarra, Luis María Martinez,
Alfonso Pérez, Pablo Guzmán, and Moisés Lira.

R. Glorify your servants, Lord.

V. For our benefactors,

R. Lord, fill them with your graces and grant them
your gift of eternal life.

V. For those who have died, especially for priests and
our loved ones,

R. By your death and resurrection, Lord, bring them
into your eternal Kingdom.


May the Holy Spirit, the source of all purity,
communicate his purity to us through the cross.
May he keep our body, our soul, and our whole
being always pure and without stain. Amen.